Sunday, April 20, 2014

Wanting their Car Back!



So you gave the Book of Mormon to that lady huh?  That is a really cool experience!  Hopefully, she will read the highlighted parts and feel the Spirit and hopefully, through you planting a seed and her daughter, she can see the joy and blessing the gospel brings!  That's really cool you were able to do it!  Just remember back to those people you helped and the joy you felt!  You can feel that same joy even though you're not a full time missionary, but that same joy comes from helping others and serving them and bringing the light of Christ into their life!  Just remember back to your successful moments in your mission and try using them somehow!  Good luck with the rest of your missionary work!
Well, this week was alright.  We have been on bikes the last 2 weeks since our car is in the shop since a previous missionary cracked it and didn't fix it.  Our area is big, so we were full car before, so we haven't been able to go up into the hills at all really, so the work has taken a hit and this week wasn't that great with lessons and things like that!  We had meetings throughout the week, as well!  This week was a little slow!  We are starting up splits with the ward this Wednesday, so that should be awesome and we'll hopefully get the work to pick up from the low weeks!  On Friday, we just walked around Morgan Hill all day looking for people to teach since we didn't have anyone for the day, but we were able to teach the 1st lesson to a couple of people on the streets, but they weren't really interested, though!  We only really have one family that we are teaching right now-the Falcon family-but they look ready, so we'll see!  Last night was great!  They had the outgoing fireside for the missionaries going home and my trainer was one of them and basically gave his last testimony!  It was super good!  It's super weird that he will be on a plane on Wednesday going home!  Time flies by super fast!  Another Elder that I lived with, Elder Anderson, is also going home, as well, with some other sisters I served around!  They were great testimonies!  Those firesides are the best!  Man, it's weird watching people you served with and around start to go home!  Ahhhh!  The sisters I came out with go home in August.  It's super crazy!  They only have like 4 months left!  Hopefully, this week goes better for us and hopefully, we'll get the car back this week!  Well, I hope all goes well for you and you find great success!  Love ya!

Elder Whaley

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